domingo, 4 de julio de 2021

Blog Post 7: Changes to my study programme

This exercise is interesting, because my case is quite particular. When I started studying sociology in 2016 it lasted 10 semesters. However, the following year the curriculum was restructured, lasting 4 years, reducing the academic load, which is an improvement for future sociologists. The faculty has had a major haul in terms of infrastructure, since many professors have new offices for their work. A first-class sports center, with a swimming pool and gym included, has also been built, which has been very helpful to keep their students fit and control their stress levels. But they have put aside essential things, such as the construction of a canteen for the students, since many of them, from the Faculty of Social Sciences, have to go to other faculties such as Philosophy, arts, the Institute of Communication and Image, to have lunch, which is a bit awkward. The library is a disaster, you cannot study, as many students talk, make noise, which impairs the ability to focus and learn. As for computers, they are not enough and are obsolete. Concerning the teaching methods, they are not adequate, since there is a tremendous inequality among the students, and not all enter with the basic content required to study in higher education and some teachers are not aware of it. It would be good for the university to do cross-curricular courses in the summer or vacation period, Word, Excel and Power Point courses for students and for those who study sociology, they should take courses in Atlas Ti, Spss, R studio and Phyton, beginning at the elementary levels.

domingo, 27 de junio de 2021

Blog Post 6: Time travel to the future

Time travel to the future is something I would really like to do, for it seems to be a very interesting exercise to analyze and investigate. I would love to travel to the XXII century, to know the technological advances that have been developed in those years, and if there is a cure for diseases such as AIDS, cancer, diabetes, Covid-19 or any treatment for the eyes, since it has to be considered that we spend many hours connected to the computer, which makes it a challenge to study this type of case. I would also like to know the type of transport that would be in those years, if we can be in another country in a matter of minutes and if Mars is already colonized by humans.

I imagine this type of travel like in the Back to the Future movies, in which Marty McFly and Dr. Emmet Brown travel through time. Interesting props from this movie are the flying skateboard, the adjustable Nike shoes, and the self-drying adjustable jacket. Another way I imagine you could travel to the future is through quantum travel, like they do in Avengers Endgame. It would be fun to see my variants and those of my relatives. However, I am also pessimistic about playing with this exercise, since I fear that Planet Earth will be destroyed because of climate change, caused by this economic model, which only encourages greed and ambition.

jueves, 24 de junio de 2021

Post 5: My future job

Regarding my future work, it is a scenario that is very hard to define at the moment, with a lot of uncertainty, since I, nor anyone else expeced the COVID-19 pandemic have such a large impact, which has implied a very large change in the social paradigm. so, I imagine my professional practice   would be inside my house, working from the computer, being in meetings with my colleagues, preparing reports, whether for a governmental or a private organization. I hope that with the end of the pandemic, I can go out on the field, since this way I can apply what I have learned within a certain territory, and in turn also have free time to do other activities such as working out, read novels, enjoy family outings, etc. As for being able to travel, of course I would like to, because it helps me expand my knowledge both professionally and personally. The opportunity to travel allows me to know new theoretical perspectives that have not yet reached Chile, which would have the effect of having a greater job offer. Traveling gives the opportunity to learn other languages ​​apart from spanish, which is highly required in a globalized world, especially if it is English, which is the case. If we talk about salary, I hope to have an income that allows me to be able to live in peace without debt problems, that I can enjoy, get good health and education.

The specialty that I would like to be able to develop in the future is economic sociology and environmental sociology, since these are areas that I handle with ease, and apart from that, I like the authors who address them. I hope that in the future I can work on it and be a good professional Who can help the community in its social demands, since in Chile natural resources are exploited abusively, especially water, which is practically unacceptable.

domingo, 30 de mayo de 2021

Blog 4: Soccer passion of crowds

Soccer is one of my favorite hobbies without a doubt, as I like to practice it and also watch it.

However, when I got into college, I stopped playing and watched it less often, since student’s

duties and long commutes to college took most of my free time . In the context of a pandemic, I

have resumed this hobby, which has been necessary to face the academic and social stress that we

are going through.

The positive thing about this is being able to see Deportes Melipilla in the first division after 13

years of absence, which has been very gratifying. The most important victory that Deportes

Melipilla has had this year has been against Universidad Católica, the current champion and one of

the participants in la Copa Libertadores, which makes the victory even more valuable. The negative

one is that this Saturday, Deportes Melipilla, suffered the worst defeat of the tournament against

Deportes La Serena by 5 to 1, which saddened me. This weekend I was able to see the Champions

League finals between Chelsea and Manchester City. The result was 1 to 0 in favor of Chelsea,

which made me happy, as N'Golo Kanté plays for the Chelsea, a humble player, who overcame

poverty and who has maintained his humility, despite being a star.

In short, I like football, because it is a door for people with limited resources to rise above their

limitations and a small team can beat the more powerful ones.

viernes, 21 de mayo de 2021

POST 3.Topic: Themed/Free post - career related

I decided to study sociology because it is an interesting career and within my options it was the career with the highest possibilities of employability. The interesting thing about studying this career is that it allows you to analyze various texts and authors with different philosophical perspectives. Doing this exercise is very complex and at the same time challenging, although entertaining. I really like to read Marx, both in his young stage and in his maturity phase, mainly focused on the economic area, which enshrines him through the text Capital, which is currently rigorously analyzed by various specialists. Among the benefits of studying sociology, is that, with the strikes and demonstrations that have taken place in Chile, sociologists have been highly required to establish various analysis, whose primary goal have been to reflect and criticize the economic model applied in Chile during the military dictatorship from the 70s and 80s, which have caused the employability of this discipline to rise. Another benefit of having studied sociology is that I have been able to develop a critical thinking of society, and a better understanding social phenomenon.

sábado, 1 de mayo de 2021

Blog Post 2: Best holidays/concert you've ever been to

 San Antonio, in Chile's fifth region

The last time I went on vacation, I went to San Antonio, in Chile’s fifth region. I made this trip with my mom in the first week of August 2019 and we had a great time on that over there. When we got to San Antonio, the first thing we did was tour the city. we went through downtown San Antonio, then we went to the cove and saw the sea lions take their dip in the water, it was fun. Also, we went through an alley that led to a restaurant to eat fried fish, since back at home we do not eat fish frequently. Once lunch was over, we decided to go to Punta de Tralca, since it is a quiet place to walk and bathe. After that, we decided to go to Cartagena, since it is an architecturally interesting place, located among the hills, whose church is really beautiful, which it is in front of the main square of said city. Once the tour of Cartagena was finished, we decided to return to San Antonio to have some tea and go eat cheese empanadas, which were the best we have ever had. Hopefully I can repeat this instance, once this Covid-19 pandemic is over.

domingo, 25 de abril de 2021

Blog post 1: A country you would like to visit


Germany is one of the countries that I would like to visit at some point in my life, since it is a country with a rich history, which has marked the course of humanity. Germany is in the western part of Europe; its capital is Berlin. After the end of World War II, Germany was divided into two, the western part was under the sovereignty of the allied countries such as the United States, England and France and the eastern part under the sovereignty of the Soviet Union.

What I would like to do once I get to Germany is to be able to visit the Berlin Wall to feel the energy experienced by families that were separated for so many years. I would also like to be able to study in this country, settle in, be able to visit emblematic places, go to the Allianz Arena Stadium to see the German classic soccer match between Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund, I understand that it is the most important match in the Bundesliga.

Blog Post 7: Changes to my study programme

This exercise is interesting, because my case is quite particular. When I started studying sociology in 2016 it lasted 10 semesters. However...